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Office Update Covid-19

  1. Dear Patients:

The office is presently open weekdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Governor Carney’s declaration will allow patients to see their physician if needed. For your safety, we will not have anyone in the office who has a fever or Covid-19 symptoms. We have an extensive screening process for all patients before appointments. Patients with potential Covid-19 or other fever causing illnesses will be provided treatment instructions. We are practicing social distancing and disinfecting the office at regular intervals. My patients and my staff’s safety are my utmost concern.
We have had multiple calls asking for prophylactic (preventive) medication for the Covid-19 infection primarily after hearing something said on the news. Specifically, Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine), Chloroquine, Tamiflu, and Z Pack (Azithromycin). Currently no specific medications are indicated for prevention or treatment. However, we are following the guidelines from the Center for Disease Control, the Delaware Division of Public Health, the World Health Organization and Infection Control from Christiana Care. We cannot ethically be irresponsible and prescribe medications which may be potentially dangerous and are still in clinical trials. We will act responsibly and in the best interest of our patients. We cannot and will not participate in the practice of hoarding medication that in time, may or may not be approved to treat Covid-19. Patients requiring hospitalization for Covid-19 will be treated by infectious disease specialists with all medications they have available.
We have guidelines we must follow on who can be tested for Covid-19. Patients who are symptomatic for the virus will be tested. We are staying up to date on the medical guidelines as this epidemic unfolds. Should there be medication and or vaccines available to prevent or treat Covid-19 infection, you will be notified.
In the meantime, continue to follow social distancing and follow the advice of your health authorities. One thing that you should not be doing is smoking or vaping (which we realize most of you do not) as Covid-19 is a respiratory infection. This would be an appropriate time for those who smoke or vape to stop. It is also an appropriate time to remember to stay current with the flu and Pneumonia vaccines to protect you from risk of other viral or bacterial infections. Pneumonia may be caused by viral, bacterial or other type of infections.
Some of you have supplies of medical face masks at home. Should you have an extra supply please be kind enough to give them to us as we have only a few and cannot get them during this epidemic.
If you need or want an office visit, please contact us. If you are running a fever please also contact us, do not just show up at the office. Should you feel more comfortable not coming to the office or if unable to come in personally we have the ability for Telemedicine or Telehealth office visits utilizing Skype, Face Time or your cell or home phone. Call us and we can arrange a virtual office visit the same day.
Thank you for your cooperation, and together we will get through this.
Stuart Felzer MD
More information:
Please like and follow our Facebook page as well- it is updated often with information 

Karen Scalia, MA Office Manager- MA

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