Cholesterol Specialist
Premium Healthcare
Stuart S. Felzer, MD
Concierge Medicine & Internist located in Wilmington, DE
Your body needs some cholesterol for hormone production and arterial wall support, but too much of it, and your risk of heart disease goes up. With his extensive experience as a board-certified internist, Stuart Felzer, MD, FACP, of Premium Healthcare, helps you lower your cholesterol levels. Book your cholesterol evaluation at this Wilmington, Delaware-based concierge medical boutique by clicking the online scheduler. You can also call and speak directly with a team member.
Cholesterol Q & A
What causes high cholesterol?
You have several types of cholesterol in your body, both good and bad. Good cholesterol, known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL), keeps the bad cholesterol under control. The bad cholesterol, both low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), can clog your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease.
Even though your body needs some cholesterol for certain functions, like hormone production, you automatically produce everything you need. If your HDL is too low, or if your LDL or VLDL are too high, it might be due to:
- Smoking cigarettes
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Obesity or being overweight
- Family history of high cholesterol
Your diet plays a big role in your cholesterol, too. If you regularly consume processed foods, especially if they’re high in trans fats, your cholesterol can start to rise.
What should my cholesterol numbers be?
There are several cholesterol readings you should be familiar with, starting with total cholesterol. For optimal heart health, your total cholesterol needs to stay below 200 mg/dL. Additionally, your LDL should be under 100 mg/dL, while your VLDL needs to be less than 30 mg/dL.
Triglycerides are a similar type of fatty substance often associated with cholesterol because they can also increase your risk of heart disease. Your triglycerides should be under 150 mg/dL. Finally, for optimal heart health, it’s important that your HDL (the good cholesterol) stays above 60 mg/dL.
How is high cholesterol treated?
At Premium Healthcare, Dr. Felzer stresses the importance of making healthy lifestyle changes not only to stabilize your cholesterol levels, but also to reduce your overall risk of chronic disease. Some of the best ways to treat high cholesterol, while bringing up your HDL, include:
- Getting more fiber
- Eliminating processed foods
- Exercising more frequently
- Maintaining a healthy weight
If lifestyle changes don’t bring down your cholesterol after several months of trying, or if your cholesterol is dangerously high, Dr. Felzer may recommend taking certain prescription medications.
Dr. Felzer designs a personalized cholesterol treatment plan, so you can keep your heart healthy. If you’re part of the Premium Healthcare concierge service, you have 24/7 access to Dr. Felzer anytime you have questions about your cholesterol treatment plan.
Before your cholesterol continues to surge, start your customized treatment plan at Premium Healthcare. Book your cholesterol evaluation by calling our office.